Young Gray Tree Frog
Passing Sunset Storm
Oblique-lined Tiger Beetle
Monarchs at Peninsula Point
Black Witch Moth
Malachite, Cyanotrichite, Brochantite and Azurite
American Avocets at the AuTrain River
Canadian Swallowtail
Eastern Schreech Owl
Young Gray Tree Frog
Branch Full of Monarchs at Peninsula Point
Northern Hawk Owl
Wing Detail Canadian Swallowtail
Meadow Jumping Mouse
Mottramite on Quartz
Eastern Cottontail Tracks in the Shadows
Eastern Screech Owl, Seriously
Pileated Woodpecker with Young
Canada Geese
Belted Meadowhawk Wing Detail
Bohemian Waxwing
Boreal Damselflies
Cedar WAxwing Swallong a Crab Apple
Chicken in the Woods
Nymph Dragonfly Exoskeleton
Cedar Waxwings after an Ice Storm
Red Maple Leaf Detain with Some Pink
Pine Grosbeak Pair after Storm
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Keweenaw Yellow Datolite
One-eyed Sphinx
Sun Pillar
Sandhill Skein
Milky Way over Teddy Roosevelt National Park
Ice Storm Sparkle
Polyphemus Moth on Fern
Herkimer Diamond - Quartz
AuTrain Bay Dawn
Great Egret
Autumn Meadowhawk
Cudweed Grasshopper
One-eyed Sphinx on Stump
Quartz Crystals
Common Goldeneye
Lesser Yellowlegs
Killdeer Turning Eggs
Killdeer with Young
-->Bison Pair at Rut
Owl Eyes of Polyhpemus
Nine-lined June Bug
Concretions at Teddy Roosevelt
Bison Herd
Light in the Clouds
Hudsonian Godwit under Clouds
Hudsonian Godwit in the Sun
Prairie Dog Tussels
Creek at Craig Lake
Ambush Bugs on Coneflower
Raindrop Magnification
Dark Fishing Spider Guarding Her Nest
Keweenaw Slate and Pebbles