Grand Island National Recreation Area

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Ice Cave, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles, Michigan

Ice Curtain of Green, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles II, Michigan

Ice Cave II, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles III, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles III, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles V, Michigan

Ice Curtain with Icicles VI, Michigan

Ice on Cliffs at Sunrise I, Michigan

Ice on Cliffs at Sunrise II, Michigan

Ice on Cliffs, Michigan

Lighthouse, Michigan

Aerial View of Cliffs in Autumn

Ice Curtain

Ice curtain

Ice Column

Ice Curtains from Afar

Ice Curtains on the Curve

Icicles and Stalactites


Stalactites meet Stalagmites

Two Layers of Icicles

Ice Curtains and a Sunday Crowd

Green Stalactites

Ice Window

Ice Climber on Belay

Ice Chamber

Ice Chamber

Ice Curtains Dripping Wall

Ice Chamber II


Dagger II

Ice Curtain Dripping Wall II

New Stalactite

New Stalactite 2

Ice Curtains under the February Sky

Blue Ice Curtains

Teeth of Ice

Teeth of Ice II

New Icicles

Teeth of Ice III

Fallen Tree on Ice Curtain