Luna Moth Actias luna Michigan
Snowberry Clearwing Hemaris diffinis Will Co., Illinois July
Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan Michigan I
Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan Michigan II
Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan Michigan III
Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan Michigan IV
Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan Michigan V
Pink-legged Tiger Moth Spilosoma latipennis Wisconsin
Virgin Tiger Moth? Larvae Grammia virgo Wisconsin
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata Plymouth Co., Iowa
White-spotted Tussock Moth Orgyia leucostigma Marquette Co., Michigan
White-spottted Tussock Moth Orgyia leucostigma Marquette Co., Michigan
Polyphemus Eye Spot on Hind Wing Antheraea polyphemus Will County, Illinois
Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata Kankakee County, Illinois
Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata Kankakee County, Illinois
Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata Kankakee County, Illinois
Eye Spots of the Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata Kankakee County, Illinois
Eye Spot of the Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata Kankakee County, Illinois
Larva of Polyohemus Moth Antheraea polyphemus Grundy Illinois
Silkworm Wing Detail
Luna Moth Actias luna Michigan
Larva of Five-spotted Hawkmoth (Tomato Hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata with Larasitic Wasp Cocoons, Will County, Illinois
Imperial Moth< Eacles imperialis Will County, Illinois
/p>Hummingbird Hawk-Moth< Macroglossum stellatarum Schoolcraft County, Michigan
Forest Tent Caterpiller Moth< Malacosoma disstria Larvae Group, Marquette County, Michigan
Sphinx Moth< Sphinx sp. Larvae Larvee, Grundy County, Illinois